My Reelity

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V-Moda Vibe Duo : A Review

Posted by Ruok On July - 10 - 2008

Since the 3G iPhone is launching tomorrow and will be available to us locally in a few months time, I thought its timely to write a review on this awesome pair of earphones.

The earphones comes in three colours, although the ones I got (which is the one in the picture) is only available through their website. Which means you must buy from them lah. They are called Gunmetal Rouge; I actually thought it was “Rogue” when I decided to buy them cuz it sounds like my nick.


Anyway, I digress. These earphones are really a good upgrade to the ones that come with the iPhone. Then again, any earphone would seem like an upgrade also. But why this is so cool is because they recessed the jack to fit nicely to your iPhone.

Wait a minute. I think the new 3G phones don’t need a recessed jack… anyhoo, I’m sure they would have come up with a similar earphone for the 3Gs. Once these earphones have burned in, I guarantee you’ll be blown away by their quality. With my mp3s at 192kps, I can still hear the subtle nuances in songs at normal volume.

Just remember to set your settings to “Min Bass”. For some reason, at default settings, the bass is damn overbearing. But its just nice once you set it to “Min Bass”. Go figure.

I’m not sure if these can beat a pair of Shure or other more expensive brands, but I can tell you I’m not inclined to try for “better” ones after having gotten these. 😀

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