My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Archive for September, 2015

The Ad That Never Was

Posted by Ruok On September - 18 - 2015

Just a couple of days ago I saw Ace’s profile pop up in Facebook’s “People You May Know” thingy which got me wondering why he looked so familiar.  I then remembered he was the director who directed the ad that never was.  It was also then I realised it has been, goodness gracious me, a decade since I’ve last did that ad.

Going through the blog archives, I relived once again, the elation of landing something that could have been the breakthrough I’ve been looking for, as well as the utter disappointment of knowing the ad would not be aired.  I also recalled how I had the whole cast and crew in stitches when I did those scenes and how I almost broke my wrist performing the stunt for the final scene.

It was a good memory.

I have, in the years to come, incorporated part of the ad into my showreel, but was ever careful to remove the twist from the clip.  I guess I still harbored hopes of the ad seeing the light of day, and didn’t want to lessen the impact of the ad by revealing the twist before it gets the chance to be aired. I’m not sure why I’ve never subsequently re-edited the showreel to include the twist; maybe some small part of me still harbored that hope.

10 years on, I think its time to put that hope to rest.