My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Archive for August, 2008

Honey I’m Home

Posted by Ruok On August - 30 - 2008

But I’ll be going to my civilian conversion course in Malaysia real soon.

Blogging this from the airport terminal in Changi.

First time blogging from an airport terminal! Wakawakawaka! 😀

KengKing Returns

Posted by Ruok On August - 18 - 2008

So I’ll be defending this country with my fine ass for the next two weeks.

I leave with a shitload of unfinished projects, a snag that seems to persist so prevalently this year. And judging from the packed schedule, I doubt I would be able to get time off to tie up any loose ends.

I will also be missing a nice whisky tasting event because of this as well… I would have really loved to sample that 21 year old.

And it looks like I won’t get to beta Warhammer Online much as well.

>.< I'm wondering how much my karma in plurk will plunge as well ...

Stand Up For Singaporeans

Posted by Ruok On August - 9 - 2008

Kudos to Today, for trying to turn the spotlight back on Singaporeans on National Day.

I guess I’m one of the 5% that thinks Singapore has enough talent. But I’ll admit we are losing them faster than we can generate new ones.

So my wish for Singapore this National Day is to stop being viewed as a stepping stone for the global community. To put it more bluntly, I wish for her to stop “prostituting” herself.

Or else it will be more than just a national flag that will be dragged on the floor.

To all my readers, may you make your own fireworks tonight. 😉


Posted by Ruok On August - 7 - 2008

I was first introduced to Blue October by Betty, and have been hunting for their album ever since.

I finally got hold of it, and its seriously the best album I’ve heard in ages. Here’s a couple of my favorite tracks :

Into The Ocean

Hate Me


X Amount Of Words

Go check the rest of the album out. 😀

Just In Case

Posted by Ruok On August - 4 - 2008

This is not me hor.

Just happen to bear the same name. 😛


Posted by Ruok On August - 1 - 2008

Dedicated to the eclipse expected today.