My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Posted by Ruok On March - 18 - 2007

The number of stage auditions that I’ve been to ever since I started acting again can be counted with one hand. And I know, with each passing year that I don’t do a stage performance, I become more of a screen actor and less of a stage actor.

So it was not with extreme confidence that I went for Short and Sweet’s audition today. Due to some technicalities, I only knew (Thanks Serena!) that I got an audition slot just days before the actual date, which left me with little time to prepare for another monologue. So I was kinda forced to use what I have on hand, which unfortunately was much longer than the 2 minutes that the audition required.

Serena suggested that I cut the monologue and even with her help (Thanks again Shey!), the piece was still about two and a half minutes long when performed. So after much agony, I managed to trim it down a little more to 2 and a quarter minutes… still longer than required, but I think its the best that I could do. Its quite painful to cut off bits as I’m aware of how it might deflate the performance. After all, if Bill meant for it to be shorter, he would have wrote it shorter as well right?

So, armed with severe lack of stage practice and a not so perfect monologue, I made my way down to the auditions. I think my nervousness got to me eventually, and I fluffed at my lines midway through. But remembering my past stage training, I somehow made that fluff a part of the performance and carried on normally, for its far better to carry on as if the fluff was intended (for stage) then to admit it was a fluff.

Earlier on, I had heard a far greater applause and response to the guy before me. So when I heard the applause for mine, which was much less audible (it seems) to the previous one I kinda felt they were just being nice about it. Even Elena’s “Well Done” to me as I was leaving also seemed like she was just being nice, and I cannot help but wonder if I didn’t fluffed, would my performance been better?

Not in the best of moods, I figured some retail therapy was in order and I headed on down to SLS to upgrade my 2 generation old graphic card (am very much poorer now. *sigh*) On my way back, I received an sms from one of the directors, who told me he was considering me for a role and that it was “a great audition”.


Looks like I did far better than I thought. 😀

Thank goodness its only my wallet that’s bleeding. 😛

P.S. Oh, and I can’t believe I almost forgot to blog about this, they also found me a very youthful looking XX-yr old as well. LOL.

UPDATE : Woot! Another director seemed to think I was great too! ^.^

4 Responses to “Sunday, Bloody Sunday”

  1. Aftiel says:

    grats grats! I will be supporting you all the way.. (uh. unfortunately not in monetary issues.. lol) =p

  2. sunshin3 says:

    great to hear. sorry i’ve not been keeping up to date.. all the best!

  3. Qiaoyun says:

    How come I’m back to being “Serena”?? You must be really stressed. 😛 Anyway, grats on getting lots of role offers!

  4. Ruok says:

    Angel, must come and watch me perform hor.

    Leia, thanks.

    QY, U will always be Serena to me!!! 😀

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