My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

So Close And Yet So Far

Posted by Ruok On January - 2 - 2006

This prolly sums up 2005 for me. It actually began on a bad note, with me kinda loosing a decent role due to some miscommunication with a casting director. Also, my pro-bono short film project at that time overran, so much so that we had to do a re-shoot right around CNY as well. But things started to look brighter in the middle of the year; I shot my first bona fide product TVC, acted in an award winning short film (4444) and landed my most prominent performance (Full Circle) on television to date.

Things were looking so up at that time I seriously thought that my ship is finally gonna come in, especially if the said TVC were to air. But, alas, it was not meant to be and from then on, it has been a downhill ride for me, with almost every audition hitting a brick wall.

On the bread and butter side, things weren’t looking too rosy last year as well. In fact, my income dipped and my spending went up (more on that later, lol). Changes were happening to the industry and I fear what I experience last year was just the tip of the iceberg. So much so that I actually broke my rule of not accepting tight dealine jobs this time round and accepted one for January. I most probably have to turn down any role that comes my way this month because of this. (Hopefully I don’t get to turn down any good ones…)

Last year was the year I decided to embrace life a little bit more. (Hmm, *stares at bank account* well make it a whole lot more) When I first started out on this path, I kinda became a hermit. It was really more out of circumstances than anything, as my financial situation then; given that I have just closed down my loss-making lan-gaming business and living without a decent income for the better part of the year, wouldn’t have allowed me to embrace it as much as I wanted to. Moreover, I too, at that time, had just came out of a really really bad relationship. So hermitage was really kinda the only option at that time.

It was only after I attended a crash course on film-making near the beginning of last year did I realise that its high time I crawl out of my cave. You might be curious why an actor would go and attend such a course. Well, like I said, if I ever get too old to act, I would still want to be part of all this, and hence I see myself directing a film one of these days. And to help me do that, I guess I need to go shoot my first fim first. And to do that I need to go write a decent script first. And to do that, I will need to go and live a little, so that my script would be realistic….

Well, you get the pictutre. Sad to say, I am nowhere nearer to completing a script. But my escapades last year have certainly enriched my life more than just staying in a cave. So perhaps, this year, I will live a little less and get cracking on that script more. 😛

So if you guys got any cool ideas and wanna share with me, do feel free to email me at (thats really my email addy hor).

But I guess at the end of it, last year really wasn’t all that bad. I’ve made lotsa new friends, my website hit a record high of 44K hits for December (largely due to ‘4444’ being d/l almost 900 times o.O), and I’ve gained 3 kg. Okay, well maybe the last bit wasn’t that good, lol.

Goodbye Oh Fine. Hello Oh Sex! 😉

4 Responses to “So Close And Yet So Far”

  1. monkey says:

    jia you :)

  2. Qiaoyun says:

    Keep it up! It’s the downs that make the ups better. 😛 And please write a nice part for me in your script!! 😛

  3. 9 says:

    wanna bounce ideas for script? discuss when we meet up?

  4. Ruok says:

    thanks guys.

    Ah 9, sure manz, anytime manz!

    QY, a nice part may need u to show ur nice parts also… hehehe, Juz kidding. 😛

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