My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Posting Out Of Iwo Jima

Posted by Ruok On March - 6 - 2007

null A Japanese movie that is directed by an all American and which won accolades from the Japanese themselves, to me is a must-see.

But as war movies go, this one is not your typical wham bam thank you mam fare. In fact, you might find it a little underwhelming as you sit through a good long while listening to the soldiers pen their thoughts about the war before the real action starts. And even the real action is kinda muted after the initial bang.

But the movie does have a few under lying messages, and for me they don’t really come out to the fore really until the movie is over. Then as one makes his way back and contemplate over the movie, the messages will hit home. Either that or I’m really dense. 😛

And I think basically, the movie is about Japanese honor. And how warped most have perverted that concept. But really, the true followers of the Way, are Koboyashi and those who understood and followed his ideal. He fought to his death in the most seemingly unheroic but necessary manner; for he knew that his mission which was doomed right from the start, was to delay the inevitable as long as possible. Between this and dying with “honor”, surely he has chosen the higher ground.

“I will always be in front of you.”

Kept his word, he did.

P.S. Thanks Celine, for the company! 😀

One Response to “Posting Out Of Iwo Jima”

  1. Ping says:

    Sure! Always a pleasure. :)

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