My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Oops.. Sorry, Got here first…

Posted by Ruok On November - 15 - 2005

A while back I blogged about us being a nation of chopers(3rd May 2005 entry, paiseh, the named anchor thingy not working, so you have to scroll all the way down :P). This evening, while on my way home, I was handed a tissue pack :


The best part was the fine print at the bottom read “The practice of using a tissue pack to reserve your table is uniquely Singaporean!”

I kid you not.

I think ST P B should start making and handing out pamphlets to inform tourists of our unique culture liow. Thousands of hapless and clueless tourists dining at our food courts would be ever so thankful.

By the way, this tissue packet also entitles you to buy soft drinks at $0.30 only. Hmm, a tissue packet that would cost you thirty cents now entitles you to buy a soft drink at thirt cents. Oh man, you just gotta love the irony.

On a slightly unrelated note, we should make “Chope” The Musical as oppose to “Rent” The Musical. Yes, yes, we really should.

3 Responses to “Oops.. Sorry, Got here first…”

  1. monkey says:

    btw there havent been a STPB for a very long time
    they are called STB – singapore tourism board

  2. Ruok says:

    thanks monkey, edited liow.

  3. monkey says:

    u’re welcome
    but it really doesnt look much different lol

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