My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Nothing Better To Do Ah?

Posted by Ruok On January - 23 - 2009

What’s with all these hoo ha about an association being set up man. I had no idea it would create such a commotion when I first read it in Today. I figured most people will read it, laugh it off and then turn their attention to something more worthwhile.

I know I did.

But I guess perhaps everyone is just plain bored and wanted something to break the doom and gloom around us these days.

With the rainy day Budget now catering to just a slight drizzle, I guess we do need all the distractions we can get just to stay sane.

And since we’re on the topic of distraction, I’m seizing this opportunity to announce a club I’m setting up.

Membership is FREE and for females only; just email me a photograph of yourself in bikini, along with your name and phone number. 😉

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