My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

My Oh Sex Reelity

Posted by Ruok On January - 2 - 2007

The year that was Oh Sex has past, and it had been anything but sexy for me. Yeah sure, it had its moments, just not, despite the name I had dubbed it, sexy ones.

Curiously, this was the year in which I didn’t land any lead roles. And when I say lead roles, I mean those which the focus is really just me, so I’m not counting the co-lead role I had in True Files. Perhaps it is also apt that I didn’t get to be the leading man in anyone’s life as well.

Gee, this life imitating art thing is starting to freak me out juussst a little bit. Heh.

But yet, despite not landing lead roles, I think I did better in ’06 than in ’05. Ironic isn’t it? This was the year I get to do a feature film, a short film, three docudramas, and got bumped up twice to reach “A” (finally) grading for the chinese production side.

Plus, landing three “wives” and a “mistress”.

Plus, I get to “do” dastardly things to Fiona. 😉

Not bad eh? Not bad at all.

Going forward, I hope to land more romantic roles and less bad guy roles. I seriously hope that my role in “Without Warning” will convince the powers that be to let me take on more variety in roles. I’m also hoping my new showreel (akan datang!) will help change things around as well.

And maybe then, should life imitates art again, can I be the leading man in someone’s life.

To all my dear readers and supporters, I wish thee verily, A Happy New Year.

4 Responses to “My Oh Sex Reelity”

  1. naeboo says:

    u been the supporting feature in my life so far leh!! gambatte to be A++!! 😀

  2. sunshin3 says:

    happy new year!

  3. starmist says:

    happi new year to ya~
    may good fortune come your way soon!

  4. Ruok says:

    naeboo, aww shucks, so have u, babe. :)

    Leia, ditto.

    Starmist, thanks, same to ya!

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