My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Good Luck Ruok

Posted by Ruok On March - 26 - 2008

A concerned Jaywalk msned me to ask how the consultation went. I told him its been rescheduled to Sat but I’m not going to be too optimistic about it.

Afterall, its the lack of 桃花运(literally translated as peach blossom luck) that led me here in the first place.

Jay tried to be encouraging and suggested that things might not be so bad; maybe some charbor will have bad luck and since I don’t have 桃花运, I’ll then have my chance.

I had to explain to the poor confused chap that he was very much mistaken. Girls need to have good luck to meet me; if they have bad luck, they will never get to meet me. To meet me, one needs 福气.

To which the poor confused dude asked me if I was like Good Luck Chuck.

Sheesh. Of course I’m not.

I’m way better.

Women don’t need a good luck fuck from me… because when they meet me, they have good luck liow.

The good fuck is a bonus.

That’s why I’m better.

So yeah I guess the cat’s out of the bag now.

I’m Good Luck Ruok. 😉

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