My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Born To Be Wild

Posted by Ruok On May - 11 - 2008

My mum just dug out a whole slew of old photographs, and in it were my ultra rare photos of my younger self.

Most of the photos displayed an angry scowling young boy not willing to have his photo taken. This one though was the only one that I actually smiled a little.

Born To Be Wild

6 Responses to “Born To Be Wild”

  1. smoo says:

    LOL… exact same expression as the pic in your blog header leh!!!

  2. JayWalk says:

    You mean your chee-ko-pek-serial-rapist look is from young have already one har?


  3. Ruok says:

    smoo, you dun say …

    Jay, yeah I was pretty wild as a kid. My first fight was in kindergarten. Took 6 adults to tear us apart. I gave him bruises and he scratched my face. Farking sissy wanker.

  4. sunshin3 says:

    haha, yeah, you look really chao ah beng.. 😛

  5. starm|st says:

    more like half-sulk leh..

  6. Ruok says:

    Leia, u dun say.

    Starmist, I didn’t show the ones which I sulk lah, read carefully.

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