My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?


Posted by Ruok On October - 27 - 2006

Here’s a joke inspired by Shirlyn’s black singlet.

Q : What do you call a cat trainer?

A : Pussy 老师

And for all the male students out there, you must know that there’s only one answer to a question like “你要不要补习?” (The answer of course, must always be a clear and loud “Yes!!”)

And before I go, here’s one more for the road :

起立, 形礼, 谢谢补习老师. (Courtesy of Terz)

3 Responses to “补习老师”

  1. starmist says:


  2. naeboo says:

    no wonder ppl is so excited when i told them im a kindy teacher and MORE excited when i said i used to tutor kids at home…


  3. Ruok says:

    starmist, u need lessons ah?

    naeboo, think they misheard it as “kinky” teacher… the tutor part was said in chinese? lol

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