My Reelity

Is this the reel life or is this just fantasy?

Acting As “Yang Xiao Lang”

Posted by Ruok On August - 10 - 2007

I got the call during my last few days of ICT and was really reluctant to take up the assignment. I know I was going to be really tired after my ICT and I have already felt the onset of a flu coming. Moreover, it was for a serial that has been getting bad reviews currently. But they told me it was the director from Happily EverAfter that had requested for me and since she was the one who recommended me for the upgrade, I felt obligated to return her the favour.

And since I was on ICT, I only knew I had gotten the invites to the nuffnang event when I came back home. Which means I had to forgo my free tickets. >.<

Luckily, the role actually turned out to be quite meaty. Its a named character, and it really feels like I’m a guest star in this episode, rather than just a bit player. But I guess I haven’t been acting for too long, and my rustiness shows, especially since my last acting practice have been rather stage oriented.

I had to act with a cough and a sore throat too, and that, I felt was the greatest hindrance to my performance as half the time (or most of the time) I really had no control over my vocals. So much so that the soundman kept asking me to speak up, but if I did, I would be coughing, and well, so on and so forth. -_-”

This was the first time I had to act when I’m suffering from flu. Which only highlights even more to me the importance of health to an actor. But despite all that, I still had a blast as the character was really interesting to play. My only gripe was that the script was too cliche and I really needed to be on top form to ace the performance, which as you can see, I was obviously not.

Oh well, we’ll see how it goes.

Watch for it, KinshipII, Episode 30.

(Don’t know why wordpress suddenly cannot type chinese. Anyone knows why? :()

3 Responses to “Acting As “Yang Xiao Lang””

  1. JayWalk says:

    I am glad you took up the assignment. It is always better to stay on the active list.

    It is a vicious cycle in the sense that the more you stay away collecting dust, your layer of dust will collect more dust.

    Go see a doctor in the meanwhile and here’s wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Can’t drink whisky when you are sick, can you?

  2. sunshin3 says:

    well, i’m sure alcohol kills the germs.. anyway, why didn’t you blog about that ahem tvc??


  3. Ruok says:

    Jay, whisky with warm water is good for cough.

    Leia, eh blogged liow.

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